Pooja, who was handed over to BSF at Neelkanth outpost on Monday night, returned home in new clothes and footwear and with candies which Pakistan Rangers had given her.
"Sukhram (Pooja's father) was apprehensive about the condition of his daughter who had inadvertently strayed into Pakistan on Friday evening.
"(So) when he was informed by BSF officials that Pooja has returned safely, he was extremely happy," Ravindra Kachawa, sarpanch of 34 KYD Panchayat, told PTI today.
Locals and Khajuwala Legislator Vishwanath Meghwal visited the girl's family at their residence to congratulate them on her return.
District Collector Arti Dogra said when the girl had crossed the fencing at the border and entered into Pakistan, "BSF informed their counterparts after footmarks suggested that she had entered into Pakistan.
"BSF was in regular touch with Pakistan and the result was good for all," she said.