"India's domestic traffic soared 21.8 per cent, marking the 20th month of double-digit traffic growth and the 13th consecutive month it has led the domestic markets," global airlines body International Air Transport Association (IATA) said today.
Growth is being propelled by the comparatively strong economic backdrop as well as by substantial increase in service frequencies, IATA said.
"Demand for domestic travel climbed 4.1 per cent in April compared to April 2015, while capacity increased 3.8 per cent, causing load factor to rise 0.3 percentage points to 81.4 per cent," IATA said.
According to IATA, China recorded 9.5 per cent domestic traffic growth, a strong rebound from the 3.3 per cent increase recorded in March.
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"Fears about slowing economic growth in the country have eased somewhat and increased growth in frequencies is helping stimulate demand," it said.
International passenger demand, however, rose 4.8 per cent in April this year compared to April 2015, the slowest pace in two years.
Airlines in all regions recorded growth, led by the Middle East region, it said.