Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said the various welfare schemes initiated by his government gave "the world a new hope" for a better tomorrow as he exuded confidence that the experience from these projects could be beneficial to those nations, who like India, are striving for development.
Addressing the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly here, Modi said, "When a developing country is able to successfully implement the world's biggest sanitation campaign within the 'Clean India Mission', building over 110 million toilets in just five years for its countrymen, all its achievements and outcomes are an inspirational message for the entire world."
Referring to the Aadhaar initiative, Modi said, "When a developing country, launches for its citizens, the world's biggest digital identification program, giving them a biometric identity, thereby ensuring they can avail of their rights, and saves more than 20 billion dollars by checking corruption, the modern systems that result from it, give the world a new hope."
Highlighting the 'Ayushman Bharat' scheme, Modi said, "When a developing country, successfully runs the world's biggest health insurance scheme, giving 500 million people the facility of an annual health cover of Rs 500,000 for free treatment, the achievements and responsive systems that result from this scheme show the world a new path."
Reflecting on the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), Modi said, "When a developing country, successfully runs the world's biggest financial inclusion scheme, opening over 370 million bank accounts for the poor in just five years, the systems that result, build confidence in the poor across the entire world."
"By the year 2022, when India celebrates its 75th Independence day,