The academy's co-founder Sourabh J Sarkar said they have successfully test-launched their unique 'OmniDEL' learning platform in Ahmedabad and Delhi recently after which they are planning to start 50 centres across India.
"Altogether we will invest Rs 20 crore to start these 50 centres by January 2015 on franchise model. We are starting with cities like Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, Lucknow, Ranchi, Patna, etc," Sarkar told PTI here.
His company Karmyog Media and Arts Education Netowrk has tied up with Fremantle Media, which produces the Indian Idol television show, to start the Indian Idol Academy (IIA).
He has come up with the 'OmniDEL' learning platform which uses both virtual and on-campus learning methodologies by harnessing technology.
Music learners in the advanced course would get the rare opportunity to connect and learn directly under the tutelage of great maestros of music and singing like Kavitha Krishnamurthy, Hariharan, Salim Merchant and Alka Yagnik.