Tarun Asthana, a former student of Indian School Muscat (ISM), died yesterday after being punched outside a fast food outlet in central Auckland.
The news of Asthana's death sent shock waves among his friends in Muscat. A mass was organised at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Oman's capital yesterday.
"It is shocking and a big loss for all his friends," Lirenne Gomes, a schoolmate of Asthana, was quoted as saying by the Times of Oman.
"Tarun had visited Oman and Dubai in 2011 to meet his friends and relatives," Lirenne said.
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"He was very bright. He always used to smile and make others smile," said Alistan, another friend of Asthana.
His friends also expressed solidarity to Asthana's mother, Yvette, a very popular figure in Oman as she worked as a radio jockey in one of the FM radio stations of Muscat.
Asthana was on life support in hospital since he was assaulted on Saturday morning.