Titled "Khoobsurat," the album a collaboration between the two was released late last evening at Azad Bhawan here organised by Prithvi Fine Art and cultural centre in association with ICCR.
"This is a genuine effort to bridge the gap between the two countries. Creative people are very close to each other. There are no boundaries," says Gupta.
The alliance, she says, is an outcome of their meeting about a year and a half back at a gathering in Delhi.
"One and a half years ago, I met Adeel at a close gathering. I read out my poems and he sang some of his ghazals. He liked my poems and wanted to make an album," says Gupta.
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"This album is first of its kind collaboration between the two nations. Through this album, we are trying to create awareness. It is a good gesture and we should keep the dialogue going," says Gupta, who has also exhibited her paintings in Lahore in 2005.
Both music and voice, have been rendered to Gupta's poems, by Pakistani singer Adeel Burki, best known for his song, "Roothne Wale."
"The music has been composed by Adeel and he has also sung all of them. I have only written the poems," says Gupta .