Rahul Banerjee led the Indian charge with 668 points out of 720 for the 72-arrow ranking round at the Sambodromo range to qualify into the main draw with seventh seed, while Jayanta Talukdar was 11th (666), and Mangal Singh Champia 17th (662).
The men's team's tally of 1996 points guaranteed them the top seed as they will face 16th seeded Brazil in the opening round-of-16.
The women's trio of Deepika Kumari, Rimil Buriuly and Laxmirani Majhi, who have already secured the Olympic quota berths, struggled as they amassed 1894 to be seeded 12th and they will begin their campaign against higher-ranked Mexico (5).
Deepika shot a poor 656 to get 14th seed and will face 51st seeded Amy Oliver of Britain 51 in individual round.
Having qualified as 33rd seed, Laxmirani will face Khantuna Narimanidze (32) of Georgia, while 48th ranked Rimil will face 17th seed Lin Shih-Chia of Taipei.