This was India's fifth silver medal in the competition. Akhil's narrowly lost out on the gold in a shoot-off to Switzerland's Christoph Duerr. Italy's Marco Suppini won the bronze medal, finishing with a score of 439.5.
Both Christoph and Akhil had earlier finished with a score of 454.3, before the Swiss shooter scored 10.4 in the shoot-off to Akhil's 10.0.
The premiere shooting tournament for juniors is being played at the Shooting Centre in Suhl and had already seen India win nine medals in the first three days of competition.
Both Russia and Korea finished with identical scores of 1726 in the final, but Russia had more inner 10s than the Korean team.
Shivam Shukla, who has already won two gold and one silver medal in the competition was in line for another medal in the 25m Rapid Fire Pistol, while Gauri Sheoran had also reached the Finals of the Junior Women's 25m Pistol event.