"It is my suggestion the government should shortlist potential players and hand them funds right on January one each year, so that they can plan in advance which tournaments to play and where to join the coaching. It would make things a lot easier for us. If the government wants, it can also set targets for players and their performances and the experts can review it," Ghosal told PTI here.
World ranked 20 Ghosal said the government grant for squash players was more of a reimbursement which required a lot of formalities.
The 27-year-old UK-based rose to a career-high 18th in February this year, largely due to his eighth title success in the Indian National Championships in December and a pre-quarterfinal appearance in the PSA World Championship in Qatar.
"I am the highest ranked Indian player ever. Ritwik had reached 38th in world rankings. We too yearn to reach the top but we need to break the barrier and sustain the level of high standards. The top guys don't give you a chance. It's only if you start beating them there's an element of doubt in their minds when they play you. Only then you can keep it tight and can expect mistakes from them which can give you a chance to win," he said.