Mir Ameer Ansari from Dammam in Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province was an intelligent student but took his life after failing in Mathematics, the Arab News reported today.
"He just couldn't come to terms with the fact that he could only score 17 out of 100 in mathematics," the report quoted a community elder as saying.
"Our prayers are with the family in these difficult hours", the elder said.
His body has been kept in Dammam Central Hospital.
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Ansari's parents are from Hyderabad, India. The family is distraught.
The incident has shocked the Indian community in the Eastern Province, particularly because Ansari had done well in almost all the subjects, including securing 73 out of 100 marks in English.
Expressing shock and grief, the teaching community in Indian schools has called for counselling sessions for exam-stressed students.
Indian students took to social media sites to pay tribute to Ansari.
"I knew Ameer very well; I don't know why he has taken his life; he had gotten a compartment (second chance) and could have easily cleared the math paper in a month or two," said his friend Laeeq Ahmed on Facebook.