According to local police, the victim, identified as Pankaj Saw, was talking on the phone, to his wife in India, when he fell from the balcony in Macquarie Park at about 1 AM, local time, today.
"About 1 am (Thursday, April 2), emergency services were called in to a unit block on Cottonwood Crescent, following reports of a man falling from a balcony," a NSW Police statement said.
"On arrival, NSW Ambulance Paramedics located a man in his 30s, with serious head and internal injuries, however the man died at the scene," it said, adding "it's believed the man fell from a third floor balcony."
A report is being prepared for the coroner. Meanwhile, a smashed cordless phone handset was also found on the concrete below the balcony, the AAP news agency said.
Saw was working for an Indian IT firm, which has offices in North Sydney.
His manager, Karen Waller was quoted saying that Saw had only recently returned from India after getting married.