"The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is going on throughout the country after being launched by Modi. On the same lines, we resolve to make Indore an open defecation free city. The state government would provide adequate funds for the task," Chouhan said here last night during the swearing-in ceremony of Indore Municipal Corporation's newly elected mayor and corporators.
"Open defecation is against human dignity. Women specially face a lot of problems in this regard. We would ensure that every house in the city should have a toilet. If there is no space for constructing a toilet at a house in a poor locality, then public toilets would be set up there," he said.
The chief minister asked the newly elected corporators to refrain from taking contracts for various works in the city.
"The BJP corporators and other newly elected representatives of the people should not indulge in taking contracts in the municipal limits. BJP is formulating a code of conduct to stop them from taking contracts," he said.
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Chouhan said the state government is working towards developing Indore as a 'global, smart and digital city'.
Lok Sabha Speaker and Indore MP Sumitra Mahajan and state Urban Development Minister Kailash Vijaywargiya also assured that they would provide all assistance towards the overall development of the city.