"We have already invested around Rs 20-25 crore in setting up over 100 next generation mobile towers. They are future ready for projects like smartcities, can be used for street lighting, surveillance etc. We will be investing Rs 100 crore or more for setting up next 500 towers," Indus Towers CEO Bimal Dayal told reporters here.
The company has come up with new designs of mobile towers that can be camouflaged with surroundings where they are installed.
The company has installed more than 100 new-age mobile towers across 20 cities, inclduing Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mysore.
"These next generation mobile towers have helped us in securing new sites where space is left and cities where it is difficult to get new sites. The ground base required for these towers is about 80-90 per cent less compared to traditional sites," Indus Towers Chief Sales and Marketing Officer Sameer Sinha said.