The stock ended the day at Rs 821.15, down 2.25 per cent on BSE. During the day it had touched an intra-day high of Rs 860.00 and a low of Rs 813.85.
Similar movement was seen on the NSE, where the stock opened at Rs 850.00, and at the end of today's trading session was quoted at Rs 815.50, down 3.01 per cent.
During the day, the stock had seen an intra-day high of Rs 859.60 and an intra-day low of Rs 812.65.
"The restrictions placed on the purchase of shares of the above bank are withdrawn with immediate effect," RBI said adding that the shares of IndusInd Bank can now be purchased through the primary market and stock exchanges.
Under the Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS), RBI keeps a tab on foreign shareholding of Indian firms in accordance with the stipulated cap.
Meanwhile, the broader market also witnessed heavy volatility as the 30-share index Sensex plunged 308.09 points to crash below 25k-level for the first time in 15 months, while the wide-based Nifty cracked 7,600-level, after it fell 96.25 points to 7,558.80.