On a question of BJP member and deputy leader of opposition G S Tiwari, environment minister Bina Kak said in the Assembly that state Pollution Control Board (PCB) had served show cause notices to 826 textile printing industries in Sanganer, a suburban town near here, in July and August this year under directions of the National Green Tribunal Act and following Central Pollution Control Board's norms.
Notices were served to around 10,000 industrial units in the state by the PCB particularly in Jodhpur, Barmer, Jaipur, Balotra and Udaipur districts, she said.
Over 4.10 bigha land has been acquired by the Sanganer Pollution Control Samiti at Muahna Road for setting up an effluent treatment plant, she said.
Earlier during Question Hour, Tiwari said the Sanganer textile printing business, which is about 250 years old, was on verge of closure after the PCB served notices.
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