In the charge sheet filed before the court of additional sessions judge Daya Prakash, the special cell of Delhi Police named Tunda, his father-in-law Mohd Zakaria and their two close aides Allauddin and Bashiruddin as accused in the case.
They have been named in the charge sheet for the offences punishable under various sections of IPC, including 121 (waging war against the country), 121-A (conspiring to commit certain offences against the state) and under provisions of Explosives Substance Act, Foreigners Act and Arms Act.
It claimed that on Tunda's instruction, the other three accused helped Pakistani and Bangladeshi nationals, allegedly involved in various terror strikes here in 1997, to infiltrate into India.
A number of Pakistani nationals and others were arrested in 1998 in connection with various bomb blasts in India, the special cell said.
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72-year-old Tunda, who is currently in judicial custody in connection with various terror-related cases, is one of the 20 terrorists whom India had asked Pakistan government to hand over after the 26/11 Mumbai attacks.
Zakaria, Allauddin and Bashiruddin were lodged in separate jails in West Bengal in connection with cases lodged against them there and they were produced before the court here after production warrants were issued against them.
Earlier, the police had also filed a charge sheet against Tunda in connection with the 1997 Sadar Bazar blasts case in which several persons were injured.
In its supplementary charge sheet, the special cell had charged Tunda with offences under sections 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapon), 307 (attempt to murder) and 120-B (criminal conspiracy) of the IPC.