The stock ended at Rs 2,122.55, down 0.74 per cent on the BSE. During the day, it lost 1.21 per cent to Rs 2,138.45.
On the NSE, it fell by 0.73 per cent to close the day at Rs 2,122.
On the volume front, 1 lakh shares of the company changed hands at the BSE and more than 29 lakh shares were traded at the NSE during the day.
Infosys earlier this month said it will announce its earnings for the fourth quarter and the fiscal ended March 2015 on April 24, a deviation from its usual practice of kicking off the corporate results season.
Traditionally, Infosys was the first large-cap company to announce its results in the second week of April, July, October and January, kicking off the quarterly earnings season with its set of numbers that were announced.