Inkel, Kerala's PPP model infrastructure development company, plans to expand its operations to solar streetlights, high-mast lamps and semi-high-mast lightings by exploring ways to use the green energy.
The company, which has projected a turnover of Rs 12 crore for 2015-16, said it will also offer innovative financial offers to promote the yield of solar energy in the state.
"Customers, on installing solar panels, complain about the high investment and lower energy yield, apart from operation and maintenance glitches. We have now introduced attractive financial models and free technical study to overcome impediments," Inkel MD T Balakrishnan said.
Inkel said it has also roped in Vikram Solar and Sunlife Global to form a consortium in this regard.
The company began the pilot project by installing and commissioning rooftop solar panels at NTTF (Nettur Technical Training Foundation) Skill Development Centre on the Inkel Greens campus, Malappuram.
"We have bigger plans and discussions are on with the customers on solar power grid projects. The collaboration is a robust beginning to promote and establish solar projects, which is in accordance with the vision of the central government," Balakrishnan said.