"Humpty Dumpty, won't be fat. Has been falling down since ages, now he would be thin and would not fall as he would be fit," says Vats whose book aims at teaching children about essential fitness.
Poppat has penned nine innovative ideas in her new book titled "Fun and Fitness," for children between the ages of two and eight to follow and easily implement.
The book, says Vats, would "actually talk to the child" instead of just giving boring and monotonous lessons on the importance of physical fitness.
"Today kids are not getting enough time for outdoor, physical activities. They are skipping important motor skill developments like balancing, walking, skipping, jumping, etc. These activities lead to balance, gait and physical dexterity, which help in better physical and all round health," says Vats.
Games, simple activities and colorful pictures of cartoon characters have been included in the book.
"There are more pictures in the book, which would also not be a language barrier for children of any age group," says the author.