Minister of State for Home Kiren Rijiju said on receipt of such inputs, preliminary scrutiny is carried out in respect of the associations based on the annual returns filed by them and information sought through questionnaire served.
To a question in the Lok Sabha whether there are intelligence inputs of alleged involvement of NGOs, including Green Peace India, which have received foreign funds in the past in sponsoring agitation against nuclear plants and coalfields in the country, he replied in the affirmative.
Rijiju said NGOs against whom inputs were received during the last three years include Tuticorin Diocesan Association, Tuticorin, East Coast Research and Development Trust, Thoothukudi, Centre for Promotion and Social Concern, Madurai and Green Peace India, Chennai.
After carrying out inspection of records, if material evidence of serious violation of provisions of Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010 is found against any association, the case is referred to CBI/State Police for further investigation and prosecution, besides prohibiting the association from receiving foreign contribution, freezing of its bank accounts and cancelling registration under FCRA, he said.