The Arvind Kejriwal government has asked Divisional Commissioner A Anbarasu to submit his fact-finding report by Monday. The report will be sent to Home Ministry and Kerala Government.
According to a government official, Section 11 of the Delhi Agricultural Cattle Preservation Act, 1994, specifies that the power of entry, search and seizure rests with the competent authority (which is the Director, Animal Husbandry Department of Delhi) and not the police.
"Director of Animal Husbandry Department has been directed by Anbarasu to visit the Kerala House and gather inputs about incident. The official will prepare his report after recording statements of staff working at the Kerala House," a Delhi government official said.
"The Divisional Commissioner has been directed to file his report by November 2. Once the report comes, it will be sent to Home Ministry and Kerala Government for further action," the official said.
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"Divisional Commissioner of Delhi is also preparing a fact finding report. Del govt will take strong action on that report," Kejriwal yesterday tweeted.
A political row had erupted after Delhi police entered the Kerala House canteen on complaint that it served "beef", which was refuted by the state government and canteen authorities who asserted that only buffalo meat was served there.
However, Delhi Police Commissioner B S Bassi had said police did not raid the canteen and were merely taking preventive measures based on a PCR call.
Hindu Sena chief Vishnu Gupta was yesterday arrested for allegedly making a false complaint in this regard.