When PILs, filed by DMK leader M K Stalin and 'Traffic' Ramaswamy seeking a CBI probe into the matter, came up before a before the First Bench, comprising Chief Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Justice M.M. Sundresh, the Advocate General A.L. Somayaji submitted that a further time of one month was required to complete the probe in the above case.
When the court referred to the submission made by Counsel for Ramaswamy that the buildings where violations were detected, the builder's name and particulars of the building should be uploaded on the 'CMDA website' enabling purchasers to know about it, the AG submitted that the matter would be looked into "to ensure that those particulars are made available on the website promptly."
The multi-storeyed building collapse at nearby Mowlivakkam in June last year claimed 61 lives.