Inaugurating a week-long training programme on "Financial Offences and Cyber Crimes", CBI Director Anil Sinha said that "the problems of today cannot be solved by using the skills and knowledge of yesterday."
"Anonymity and connectivity of cyber world have enabled white collar criminals to exploit financial systems from far away jurisdictions, which not only makes detection and prosecution of economic offences difficult, but the recovery of the proceeds of crimes stashed away in different nations also becomes more complex," he said.
The training module is being conducted for officers from different law enforcement agencies of 11 African nations with a special impetus on investigation of economic offences and cyber crimes.
Sinha said that the transnational and multi- jurisdictional nature of economic and cyber crimes has emerged as one of the major challenges for law enforcement agencies across the world.
He also stressed on the need to have joint investigations to tackle organised crime network of human trafficking across the globe.