The Coastal Security Police in coastal Malpe in Karnataka has issued a public notice asking people to be on alert in view of intelligence reports about infiltration of six Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists into neighbouring Tamil Nadu, police said on Sunday.
The public notice asked the people of Malpe area in Udupi to be vigilant and inform the police if they come across any suspicious looking persons, they said.
It comes days after Tamil Nadu was put on high alert after intelligence agencies said six Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists, including a Pakistani, have sneaked into the state from Sri Lanka to carry out destructive activities.
CSP Malpe Police station inspector Pramod Kumar told PTI that based on information from the intelligence, all police stations had been put on alert.
Following the intelligence input, an alert has also been sounded in Kerala, anbother neighouring state of Tamil Nadu.