The five accused - Shweta Gupta, Manoj Kumar, Dinesh Kumar Pandey, Gulshan Kumar and Ramu - all of them residents of Kanpur have been arrested by a joint team of Crime Branch and Jhusi police station area on the outskirts of the city, Senior Superintendent of Police V P Srivastava said.
Shweta was arrested from Jhusi on Saturday night while other accomplices were arrested from Kanpur yesterday, based on the information she gave to police.
"Shweta confessed that after initially working with local dealers for some renowned automobile brands, she started her own business of repair and resale of vehicles damaged in accidents and sold in scrap," the SSP said.
"On the basis of the information that we obtained from Shweta, raids were conducted at the gang's hide-outs in Kanpur from where three stolen SUVs, a sedan and a small car were recovered," he said.
A number of scrap vehicles and tools, used assembling vehicle parts were also found there, he said.