Presidential spokesman Farhatullah Babar said that the arbitration award was not a legal defeat for Pakistan.
He said that Pakistan had put two questions of legal nature before the Court of Arbitration which were within its jurisdiction for determination.
"The Court has given its conclusive determination on one question while on the second the final award will be given later in December".
The two questions, he said, were first whether India's proposed diversion of water from Kishenganga into another tributary breached the Indus Water Treaty and second if such a diversion was allowed whether there were limits on the quantum of water diversion.
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This condition applies not only at Kishenganga but for all future run-of-river hydroelectric plants according to the court award, he said.
He said this clear interpretation prohibiting India from depleting water below the dead storage level is a major relief for Pakistan as it protected the country's right to receive uninterrupted water supplies on the western rivers.
"The award had protected this right of Pakistan," Babar said.