"Tamil Nadu continues to be a favourite destination for investors and committed investments are taking roots within the investment period as per the MoUs," an official release said in response to media reports on investments by auto-majors KIA Motor and Ford outside the state.
Elaborating on some of the upcoming projects, the release said, "France-based PSA Peugeot Citroen, is currently planning to set up three manufacturing facilities in Kancheepuram district and Hosur (respectively) at investments worth Rs 3,000 crore."
The release further said, "Companies like Hyundai Motor, Yamaha Musical Instruments, Xuzhou Construction Machinery manufacturing company, Vedanta Ltd, ITC Ltd, CEAT Tyres, Freudenberg, Germany, are proposing to invest Rs 15,000 crore in Tamil Nadu."
These investments would generate employments for about 5,000 people, it added.
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Referring to the MoUs signed during the maiden Global Investors Meet (GIM) in September 2015, the release said, "Many of the projects signed have taken off while 10 projects have been inaugurated so far."
Several other projects by various companies that were signed during the GIM were under "advanced stage of implementation," the government said in the release.