"The investors' sentiments on India are positive. We look at the Indian diaspora as playing a very important part in our country's growth," Indian High Commissioner to Singapore, Vijay Thakur Singh, said at the launch of a book on Indian socio-economy last night.
"India is going in the right direction. India is going to play a very important role in the global economy," Singh said after launching the book "What's up! What's Down! Essays on Indian Socio-Economy".
"We have already prepared a multi-year, 10-year, 15-year and 20-year view on our business direction (in India)," Piyush Gupta, chief executive of Singapore's DBS Bank group writes in the book.
"If you take the long-term view of India, the opportunity is too big and too immense to ignore," stressed Gupta, underlining DBS's commitment to the Indian market.