In a letter to S Regunathan, who chaired the meetings, CSI Convener BVP Rao said the meetings did not stick to the guidelines of the IOA constitution.
"We (Clean Sports India) have been following closely the way you were conducting the IOA Special General Body Meetings for the last few months with concern. As the Chairman of the IOA Special General Body Meeting, I think, you have made serious violations of IOA Constitution," he said.
Rao said only Malhotra was authorised to call these meetings, which was not the case.
"Since Mr Malhotra did not call a meeting in his capacity as the acting President of suspended IOA, you as Requisitionist have called a meeting with specified agenda. But you do not have power or legal authority to reconvene the same meeting several times with changing agenda," he said.
"I think you should have followed the procedure laid out in IOA constitution of 50 per cent members signing the requisition each meeting you held. This is a serious violation of procedure established by law for calling Special General Body meetings in any registered Society including Indian Olympic Association," he added.