"Vikram Agarwal, a hotelier, who was handling Chennai operations of the betting syndicate, and a crucial link between Meiyappan and Vindoo, will be issued summons asking him to appear before us," Joint Commissioner (crime) Himanshu Roy told reporters.
Roy claimed, Agarwal, owner of Radisson Blu hotel, was also a "key link" between the betting syndicate and Bollywood celebrities. He, however, did not divulge the names of tinsel town personalities who were in touch with Agarwal.
According to Roy, Agarwal knew Meiyappan for the last 15 years and received important insider information about players from CSK and other IPL teams from him.
The diary seized from Meiyappan's residence, he said, contained the names of several players belonging to Chennai Super Kings and other IPL teams and the crime branch was planning to quiz him about the context in which the entries were made.