IPL is embroiled in a spot-fixing scandal, leading to arrest of India's Test pacer S Sreesanth and several others including relative of the BCCI President's son-in-law on charges of betting.
"I am not surprised with the current spot-fixing and betting scandal in IPL. It has been happening from the beginning. Each and every season had issues like betting, fixing, alcohol, drugs. I think IPL never gave anything to Indian cricket. Indian cricket has never got such bad name in world cricket," Ranatunga told PTI-Bhasha over phone from Colombo.
"I feel hurt that past greats are trying to cover up as they are earning money through it. There are only a few like Erapalli Prasanna who have criticised it," he said without naming the greats.
He also said not only Indian but world cricket is getting affected by it.
"It is making cricketers greedy. Everyone wants to play IPL now and the focus has been shifted. I don't understand that what is the need of such a league. What has Indian cricket gained from it. It is spoiling players. I don't remember any world class player produced from IPL," he said.