"The Enforcement Directorate (ED) show cause notices reveal that ED has been investigating alleged violations under FEMA in relation to BCCI contracts and in respect of the general conduct of the Indian Premier League(IPL).
"The allegations reflect collective responsibilities rather than personal responsibilities. It is significant to note that the Enforcement Directorate has not identified any specific contravention under FEMA committed by our client," a legal firm representing Modi said in its reply to the Directorate submitted on September 3.
The 11 notices were issued by the ED against BCCI, Modi and six others for alleged contravention of Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) involving about Rs 1,317.20 crore in November last year in connection with the conduct of IPL in South Africa during 2009.
"My responses to the show cause notices show my commitment to complying with all requests made to me by the authorities in order to clear my name of any association with these investigations," Modi told PTI.
He said the notices are to establish whether or not an inquiry should be held for the purpose of making an adjudication.
"I continue to remain confident that I have done nothing to warrant the continued investigation of my role as Chairman of the IPL," Modi, who is in London, said. (MORE)