Sasikumar, who hailed from Tamil Nadu, was posted as Assistant Superintendent of Police at Paderu.
"We are not sure whether it happened accidentally or done intentionally. The Visakhapatnam (Rural) SP has rushed to the spot and we are examining the case," North Coastal Zone Inspector General of Police Kumar Vishwajeet told PTI over phone.
It is suspected that the officer, a bachelor, may have committed suicide but there is no clarity on it yet, police sources said.
The sentry found the officer in blood as a bullet pierced through his right temple. His service weapon was found on a table. The staff then tried to rush Sasikumar in a vehicle to a hospital but he succumbed to the injury midway, sources added.
This was Sasikumar's second posting after his first stint at Allagadda in Kurnool district. He came to Paderu in January.
Additional details are awaited.