"Today, the US - together with our close allies and partners - took an important first step toward a comprehensive solution that addresses our concerns with the Islamic Republic of Iran's nuclear programme," Obama said at the White House after the deal was reached in Geneva.
"The first step that we've taken today marks the most significant and tangible progress that we've made with Iran since I took office," the US President said.
The deal was reached after US Secretary of State John Kerry flew into Geneva and met his counterparts of other P5+1 countries, which in addition to the US includes France, Britain, China, Russia and Germany.
The deal, Obama said, would help his administration reach the goal of preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.
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"Today, that diplomacy opened up a new path toward a world that is more secure -- a future in which we can verify that Iran's nuclear programme is peaceful and that it cannot build a nuclear weapon," he said.
Iran has committed to halting certain levels of enrichment and neutralising part of its stockpiles, he said, adding Tehran cannot use its next-generation centrifuges, which are used for enriching uranium.
"Iran cannot install or start up new centrifuges, and its production of centrifuges will be limited. Iran will halt work at its plutonium reactor. And new inspections will provide extensive access to Iran's nuclear facilities and allow the international community to verify whether Iran is keeping its commitments," Obama said.