"We will not accept any of the (International Atomic Energy) Agency allegations unless its documents are proven and the person who presented them clarifies on what basis we have been accused," Iran's nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi was quoted as saying by the Mehr news agency.
"We told the agency it is not acceptable that you accuse us based on a piece of torn paper submitted by some people."
The IAEA has said documents showing a possible military dimension to Iran's nuclear programme were presented to it in 2005 by a "member state" and "participants in a clandestine nuclear supply network."
"The authenticity of each allegation should be proven first, then the person who submitted it to the agency should give us the genuine document. When we are assured of the authenticity, then we can talk to the agency," Salehi said.
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In May 2008 Iran submitted a 117-page assessment which dismissed the allegations as being based on "forged" documents and "fabricated" data.
Iran reached a interim agreement with world powers in November in which it agreed to curb its nuclear activities for six months in exchange for limited sanctions relief, and the two sides plan to resume talks next week on a comprehensive accord.
Iran said it needed the detonator for conventional military purposes.
It appeared to be the first time in years that Tehran had agreed to address the military-related allegations, most of which concern alleged activities prior to 2003.