BJP leader Smriti Irani Wednesday accused Priyanka Gandhi Vadra of "insulting" Lal Bahadur Shastri as a purported video showed the Congress leader garlanding a bust of the former prime minister during her tour in Uttar Pradesh with the garland she had worn.
Union minister Irani wrote a limerick in a Hindi dialect to take a dig at the Congress general secretary in charge of eastern UP.
In her "arrogance", she chose a used garland, clapped, waved her hands and left after insulting Shastri, Irani tweeted, tagging the video.
The BJP leader also took a dig at the Congress over a woman's accusation that the opposition party's workers behaved inappropriately with her.
It shows real values of the Congress, Irani alleged.
Wrapping up her three-day tour of Uttar Pradesh in Prime minister Narendra Modi's Varanasi constituency, Priyanka called the coming Lok Sabha elections a "new freedom struggle".
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