She said, quoting Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing awardee teachers at a function here he has said that teaching is not a profession but a way of life and that a teacher never retires.
Addressing the national executive meeting of BJP Teachers Cell here today, Irani thanked teachers for their contribution in nation building by developing the personality of students.
She said teachers have vast experience in their lives while passing through struggle and that can be taught to their students.
She said along with nation building, a teacher help in developing the personality of an individual.
Giving the Prime Minister's message to them, she said, "The Prime Minister has said two important things about teachers. Teaching is not a profession or a vocation. It is a way of life and a teacher does not have a retirement age."
She said the teacher within you should never retire and asked them to continue to help improve the lives of people through their contribution made to society both in personality development and nation building.