Following the incident, BJP complained to the Election Commission on the presence of Sahay at a polling booth in Thori village in Jagdishpur area here alleging that she was trying to influence the voters.
"When Smriti Irani reached booth number 210 and 211 at Thori village in Jagdishpur village, she saw PRO of Priyanka Gandhi Preeti Sahay at the booth. Irani asked her for the pass which she could not produce. Sahay being an outsider should not have entered the booth," Ashok Patel, PRO of Irani told reporters.
"We have received a complaint from Irani. Prima facie we found that both the persons were wrong in their own places. While Sahay should not have been inside the booth, Irani also misbehaved inside the booth," Tripathi said.
Anoter complaint was made by BJP from Gunnaur village in Musafirkhana area where it alleged that some youths carrying Rs one lakh were distributing the money among voters.
"Both the boys have been detained. We have not recovered any cash from them but questioning is going on," Superintendent of Police Hira Lal said.