The schemes mentioned in the union HRD minister's letter to Gogoi were Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), Mid-day Meal (MDM) and Teacher Education programme, an official release said today.
In the letter, Irani said the first tranche of funds under SSA and MDM programmes for 2014-15 have been already released while others were in the process of being released.
She also sought Gogoi's support and direction for completion of pending works like new schools, additional classrooms, girls' toilets in schools, kitchen sheds and filling up of teachers' vacancies under SSA in the state.
Irani pointed out that Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan was committed to setting up schools in Barpeta and Rangiya but was awaiting allocation of land from the state government.
The HRD Minister lauded the adoption of many good practices, especially the system of a 'green-channel' for mid-day meal fund release which ensures that schools provide daily meals without interruption.
"This is a feature that we will recommend to other states," she added.