Militants held off police from their rooftop position on six-story Jawahir mall in Kirkuk overnight, throwing down grenades and firing on officers and civilians who tried to flee the fighting. Officers raided the mall today morning before dawn, killing the militants, said Brigadier General Sarhad Qadir, Kirkuk's police commander.
No security forces or civilians were wounded in that fighting, Qadir said, though it left large portions of the mall burned. Eleven storekeepers hid inside the mall during the attack, scared to leave, he said.
The police station attack killed five officers and two civilians, while wounding some 70 people, Qadir said.
A similar style attack Tuesday on a mayor's office in Tarmiyah killed 10 people, officials said.
Violence has spiked in Iraq following a security deadly crackdown on a Sunni protest camp in April. More than 8,000 people have been killed since the start of the year, according to United Nations estimates.