The Congress on Tuesday claimedGoa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant "examined" patients in a government hospital on his birthday on April 24 and said the act was "irresponsible".Sawant is a private Ayurveda practitioner and had visited a district hospital in Mapusa on April 24."Chief Minister Pramod Sawant examining patients at Government Asilo Hospital in Mapusa on the occasion of his birthday on April 24 was an irresponsible act. He is not a government doctor. By doing this, he has crossed all limits of morality and must step down," said Goa Congress spokesperson Amarnath Panjikar."Sawant himself had told the media earlier that he had not practiced for the past 10 years. There must be an inquiry into who allowed him to examine patients, write prescriptions, check X-ray reports etc when he is not a government doctor," Panjikar added.