Attacking Congress, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said the opposition party, due to its "petty" politics, presented the country as a "divided" house by not allowing a discussion in Parliament on the cross-border terror incident.
He also slammed Congress leaders for giving contrarian statements on 1993 Mumbai blasts convict Yakub Memon's death sentence, which was upheld by Supreme Court, saying it is "a cause of concern" and demanded that its president Sonia Gandhi explain to the country the party's stand on this.
"That is a view the government will take and the External Affairs Ministry will take. I would not like to comment on this. That is part of a diplomatic strategy. But, the evidence that it's an attack from across the border now appears to be overwhelmingly conclusive," he said, when asked if the disalogue with the neighbouring country was possible.
Attacking Congress, the Finance Minister said, "The irresponsible statements which have come from some Congress leaders with regard to the punishment given to the accused of the 1993 Mumbai blasts also raises a cause of concern."
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Jaitley expected Sonia Gandhi to clarify before the whole country as to why its party is not allowing a discussion in Parliament on the issue of national security, particularly in the wake of the Gurdaspur incident.
"...To explain how its leaders, some of whom have come out with contrarian statements with regard to the punishment given by the judicial process in the 1993 Mumbai blasts case," he said.