Suspicions of an ISIS involvement in the Saturday blast at the Nanaksar Satsang Sabha Gurdwara, which occurred at the end of a marriage ceremony, have hardened following the arrest of two men in the nearby town of Gensenkirchen last night.
Police in Essen today confirmed the arrest of the two men "after an intensive search".
One of the two men identified by police as Yusuf T, an ISIS sympathiser, is now treated by investigators as the main suspect in the attack, ARD TV network reported.
of radical Islamists in the town of Dinslaken, the report said.
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Yusuf had used his Facebook profile to carry out propaganda for the ISIS, it said.
Police investigation into the attack initially focused on a man dressed in black and wearing a mask, who was seen running away from the gurudwara soon after the explosion.
Eyewitnesses who saw him without his mask described him as a dark-skinned man, possibility from the Mediterranean or North African region.
Police yesterday released photos and CCTV footage of two men suspected of planting a backpack containing a bomb in the entrance hall of the gurudwara.
One of them carried a backpack with the logo "Russel Athletic". Investigators found the remains of a similar back pack in the debris of the explosion, according to police.
Earlier, authorities announced a reward of 5,000 euros for information leading to their arrests.
India had expressed "distress" at what has been deemed as a deliberate act from the beginning. Top Indian officials have already taken it up at the highest level as Essen authoritie assured India that all steps will be taken to ensure security for all minorities including the Sikhs.
Soon after the attack, three men were briefly arrested over suspicion that they were in the black SUV, which had previously been seen in the vicinity of the crime scene.