The village's director, Gauranga Das, received the award, instituted by Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), early this month during the Green Building Congress-2017 at Jaipur in Rajasthan, an ISKCON press release said.
"It is a great honour for ISKCON to receive this coveted award. The Govardhan Eco Village is a self-sustained farm community. We shall continue to strive for the betterment of rural population and make the country more green," said the village's co-founder, Radhanath Swami Maharaj.
According to Das, Govardhan Eco Village is a farm community and retreat centre spread over a scenic landscape of 100 acres at Galtare in Wada taluka.
Since its inception in 2003, the village has made steady progress in organic farming, cow protection, rural education, rural development, alternative energy, eco- friendly constructions and sustainable living, he said.