"The year 2014 was a significant one for Indian Football as there were three key events which were game changers in the real sense," said Das at the inauguration of the FICCI Goal 2015 at the FICCI Federation House here.
"Firstly, the Hero Indian Super League exceeded our expectations. It was very successful in bringing in the adrenalin rush. There were families who thronged the Stadias and that was all we wanted.
It was in October 2014 that the inaugural edition of the Hero Indian Super League kicked-off amidst much fanfare at the Salt Lake Stadium in Kolkata.
"When you talk about quality, you can't judge it unless it's there in front of you. And in that perspective, the ISL has brought in a quality. There are emerging young Players like Romeo Fernandes, Sandesh Jhingan and a whole lot others making a mark and Indian Football is only benefiting.
"The I-League should be compared from what it was some three years back. At that time, we did not have a sponsor while today Hero is on board for support for three editions. Today, courtesy the Hero ISL, we can today afford to have all matches under the floodlights. The rub-on effect has been splendid," he added.