Hours before the crucial touchdown of 'Vikram' module on the lunar surface in the early hours of Saturday, the Indian Space Research Organisation came out with the Chandrayaan-2 chronicles indulging in 'banter' involving the orbiter, lander and rover 'Pragyan'.
Using a comic strip, the ISRO tweeted, showing orbitertelling the lander 'Vikram' that it enjoyed its company before it separated on September 2 afternoon.
"It was great travelling with you so far, Vikram," the orbiter tells the moonlander.
'Vikram' reciprocated with the same gusto: "It was quite the journey indeed! I'll see you around-in the orbit."
"We have the same wishes for Vikram, Orbiter. Want to stay in touch with Vikram and Pragyan as they make their way to the untouched lunar South Pole and uncover its many