In a written response to a question in Lok Sabha, Minister of State for Department of Space Jitendra Singh said GSAT-15, expected to be launched in 2014-15, will carry 24 Ku-bad transponders and a GAGAN (GPS Allied geo Augmented Navigation) payload.
It will be the replacement for Ku-band capacity of INSAT-3A and INSAT-4B to augment the capacity of existing DTH and VSAT services in the country. This will also benefit the civil aviation services in the country, Singh said.
G-SAT-16, expected to be launched between 2014-15, will carry 48 transponders in C-band, Ku-band and Upper Extended C-bands and will also replace INSAT-3E.
Both the satellites were approved in July 2013 and the government allocated Rs 859 crore for GSAT-15 and Rs 865 crore for GSAT 16, Singh said.