Accusing the present committee of not doing enough for the promotion of the game, players' group's chief spokesperson Carvalho told PTI today that all the development work in evidence at the MHAL's Mahindra Stadium had been done "by us when we were in the committee which was dissolved once the dirty work got done by us".
He was referring to himself, Gurbax, who was the then secretary and former umpires Peter Menezes and Ranjit Dalvi, all of whom did a lot of spadework as managing committee members in getting clearances from the Maharashtra government, local municipal authorities and through talks with the neighbouring Mumbai Cricket Association.
He conceded his group was facing an uphill task and said the ruling group had included many family members as voting members while denying the same to women Olympians Selma D'Silva and Elisa Nelson -- both members of the gold medal winning 1982 Asian Games squad.
"We do not subscribe that only players will make better administrators, but we do strongly believe that players can do better than the present lot of businessmen.