Speaking at the first meeting of the BJP Parliamentary Party in the Winter session, Modi said the poor and the lower and middle classes have suffered the most due to black money, fake currency and corruption and his government is working to rid the country of these evils and make the economy stronger.
Hitting out at the rival parties, the resolution asked them to decide whether they stand by the people of India and the government or hoarders of black money.
While hailing PM's "great crusade" against corruption, it accused the opposition of trying to provoke violence and chaos and disrupt Parliament, Union Minister M Venkaiah Naidu told reporters.
"We have come to power not for us or those close to us but for the poor. For 70 years, the poor and the lower and middle classes suffered and have been exploited by black money, corruption and terrorism. Our aim is a deep, long and constant struggle against them.
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Modi turned emotional for a while as he spoke about his commitment to the poor's welfare.
The resolution said the demonetisation move had people's support, claiming it was "the most profound statement to have ever come from the country".
People are queueing up for a better India and all transformative decisions cause some pain, Naidu said.
Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ananth Kumar said the move is in benefit of the country and its people.