The controversial recommendation of boxer Jai Bhagwan for the prestigious Arjuna Award has been finalised after the Kapil Dev-led selection committee, which met again yesterday, decided not to make any changes in the original 15-athlete list.
Sports Authority of India (SAI) Director General Jiji Thomson,who was part of the committee, had said the panel discussed seven athletes in the review meeting but it was unanimously agreed that no changes were needed.
The controversy started after the selection committee, which originally met on August 12, choose Bhagwan over 2010 Commonwealth gold medallist boxer Manoj. It forced the committee to meet again and reconsider its decision.
Apart from Bhagwan, 20-year-old squash player Anaka Alankamony's inclusion in the list had also raised eyebrows, while Hockey India secretary general Narinder Batra went to the extent of slamming the panel for overlooking seven of its recommended players.
Thomson said Manoj's application was not considered earlier owing to a case of mistaken identity and the committee discussed him in the review meeting. However, the committee thought Bhagwan was also a deserving candidate and therefore stuck to its stance.